Melon Ambrosia F1 Seed
A winner in taste tests, Ambrosia is recognized as one of the best tasting melons in the East. Its 4 to 4-1/2 lb., round fruit has a tan color with a medium net and non-distinct sutures. The peach-colored flesh has a wonderful sweet flavor, making it a good roadside melon and an excellent addition to your summer meals. The fruit’s small seed cavities leave more room for the flavorful flesh. Ambrosia cantaloupe seeds bloom into highly productive vines with a great tolerance for powdery mildew.
Ambrosia melon seeds should be sown directly into warm soil. They can also be planted indoors in pots for earlier harvest. Ensure that the soil has sufficient moisture during the early stages of growth. Ambrosia prefers full sun, meaning the plant needs to be exposed to sunlight for 6 hours per day. The fruit should be ready for harvest in 86 days. An indicator that the cantaloupes are ripe is when the stem easily slips off the vine.