Dischidia major
Dischidias are trailing, twining, or vining epiphytes & are considered the sister genus of Hoya. This species of Dischidia is a myrmecophyte meaning it has developed a symbiotic relationship with ants & can grow modified leaves that in the wild would act as housing or storage for the ant colonies!
~Do Not let Dischidia sit in excess water. As epiphytes, in the wild they would be growing on tree trunks or branches in the forest understory where they would get most of their water just from dew or moisture in the air.
~Though Dischidia can be grown in full sun or high light conditions, leaves may bleach or yellow from the light stress so it is advised to grow them in medium to low light levels.
~Dischidia are considerably hardy & tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions, but for the best growth it is recommended to provide higher levels of humidity.