Pepper Snackabelle Red F1 Seed
This sweet, hybrid mini-bell pepper packs some serious flavor for its size, measuring 2 1/4 inches wide by 2 1/4 inches long when mature and ripening from green to deep red. Snackebelle peppers are edible in either color — both mature or juvenile.
The Snackabelle Red Pepper’s prominent, “easy out” stem makes cleaning out its seed cavity exceptionally quick and easy, making it a cooking favorite. Its firm, thick walls and blocky shape make it great for packing, cooking, grilling and stuffing.
These compact plants make perfect patio or garden plants because they grow comfortably grow in containers and garden boxes. They also offer high yields because they resist Bacterial Leaf Spot (BLS) — races one through three, seven and eight — and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), which are incurable and can prevent growth, reduce harvest yields and spread to other vegetables in your garden.