Watermelon Crunchy Red F1 Seed
Crunchy Red is a seedless Crimson Sweet type with firm flesh that makes it ideal for the fresh cut market. This main season beauty produces blocky shaped 15-18 lb. fruit with a medium thick rind that has a light green color with a medium green stripe. The red flesh color is better than and the flesh is firm and crisp. Crunchy Red has been noted to have high sugars, good seedlessness and uniform fruit size.
You will need to purchase a pollinator for use with the seedless varieties. We highly recommend that you use Side Kick or Accomplice for this purpose, as they flower early and continuously throughout the pollination period. You will need one pollinator for every three seedless you transplant.
Waiver Required: To order this variety, please fill out our Watermelon Waiver and e-mail, FAX, or mail it back to us within 30 days. Shipments cannot be made until we receive your form. A new signed form is required every year.